Francis Theodore Wills
History of F. T. Wills High School
Francis Theodore Wills was a long-time superintendent of the Cobb County School System and was a Smyrna City Councilman back in the 1920s. He was born February 27, 1873 and died in Smyrna January 25, 1944. He is buried in the New Smyrna Cemetery on Hawthorne Street near Hawthorne Elementary School. His wife Ida Lee Wills was born July 21, 1876 and died Nov. 6, 1959.
Their children were: Sherrill, Zelan, Fanny and Elizabeth.
Zelan Wills was the post master for Smyrna from 1944 until April 1966. Elizabeth Wills, one of his daughters who never married, was a third grade school teacher at Smyrna Elementary.
In 1989, Orme Campbell High School and F.T. Wills High School merged to form a new Smyrna High School. Prior to the merger, Campbell students were known as the Green and White PANTHERS and Wills students were known as the Red and Black TIGERS. The students united together in selecting new colors, Royal Blue and Silver, and a new mascot, the SPARTANS. In 1990, the courts overruled the name change of the school, and the name Campbell High School was reinstated. Since the ruling pertained only to the school name, it was decided the new colors and the new mascot would be left unchanged.
Our 1st graduating class at F.T Wills was in 1967 and continued until 1989. A lot happened during those early years, things that will remain in our memories forever. “The Cage”, “The US Apple Corps”, never winning many football games, but still having the spirit, Jean Baker, B. B. Williams, Howard’s, Aunt Fanny’s Cabin, WYNX and who could forget the old covered bridge, Gino’s Pizza and the Canteen.